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View-Call Authentication

User impersonation on Ethereum and other "Transparent EVMs" isn't a problem because everybody can see all data however the Sapphire confidential EVM prevents contracts from revealing confidential information to the wrong party (account or contract) - for this reason we cannot allow arbitrary impersonation of any msg.sender.

In Sapphire, there are four types of contract calls:

  1. Contract to contract calls (also known as internal calls)
  2. Unauthenticted view calls (queries using eth_call)
  3. Authenticated view calls (signed queries)
  4. Transactions (authenticated by signature)

Intra-contract calls always set msg.sender appropriately, if a contract calls another contract in a way which could reveal sensitive information, the calling contract must implement access control or authentication.

By default all eth_call queries used to invoke contract functions have the msg.sender parameter set to address(0x0). In contrast, authenticated calls are signed by a keypair and will have the msg.sender parameter correctly initialized (more on that later). Also, when a transaction is submitted it is signed by a keypair (thus costs gas and can make state updates) and the msg.sender will be set to the signing account.

Sapphire Wrapper

The @oasisprotocol/sapphire-paratime Ethereum provider wrapper sapphire.wrap function will automatically end-to-end encrypt calldata when interacting with contracts on Sapphire, this is an easy way to ensure the calldata of your dApp transactions remain confidential - although the from, to, and gasprice parameters are not encrypted.

Unauthenticated calls and Encryption

Although the calls may be unauthenticated, they can still be encrypted!

However, if the Sapphire wrapper has been attached to a signer then subsequent view calls via eth_call will request that the user sign them (e.g. a MetaMask popup), these are called signed queries meaning msg.sender will be set to the signing account and can be used for authentication or to implement access control. This may add friction to the end-user experience and can result in frequent pop-ups requesting they sign queries which wouldn't normally require any interaction on Transparent EVMs.

Let's see how Sapphire interprets different contract calls. Suppose the following solidity code:

contract Example {
address owner;
constructor () {
owner = msg.sender;
function isOwner () public view returns (bool) {
return msg.sender == owner;

In the sample above, assuming we're calling from the same contract or account which created the contract, calling isOwner will return:

  • false, for eth_call
  • false, with sapphire.wrap but without an attached signer
  • true, with sapphire.wrap and an attached signer
  • true, if called via the contract which created it
  • true, if called via transaction

Caching Signed Queries

When using signed queries the blockchain will be queried each time, however the Sapphire wrapper will cache signatures for signed queries with the same parameters to avoid asking the user to sign the same thing multiple times.

Behind the scenes the signed queries use a "leash" to specify validity conditions so the query can only be performed within a block and account nonce range. These parameters are visible in the EIP-712 popup signed by the user. Queries with the same parameters will use the same leash.

Daily Sign-In with EIP-712

One strategy which can be used to reduce the number of transaction signing prompts when a user interacts with contracts via a dApp is to use EIP-712 to "sign-in" once per day (or per-session), in combination with using two wrapped providers:

  1. Provider to perform encrypted but unauthenticated view calls
  2. Another provider to perform encrypted and authenticated transactions (or view calls)
    • The user will be prompted to sign each action.

The two-provider pattern, in conjunction with a daily EIP-712 sign-in prompt ensures all transactions are end-to-end encrypted and the contract can authenticate users in view calls without frequent annoying popups.

The code sample below uses an authenticated modifier to verify the sign-in:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

struct SignatureRSV {
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;
uint256 v;

contract SignInExample {
bytes32 public constant EIP712_DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)");
string public constant SIGNIN_TYPE = "SignIn(address user,uint32 time)";
bytes32 public constant SIGNIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256(bytes(SIGNIN_TYPE));
bytes32 public immutable DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;

constructor () {
DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode(

struct SignIn {
address user;
uint32 time;
SignatureRSV rsv;

modifier authenticated(SignIn calldata auth)
// Must be signed within 24 hours ago.
require( auth.time > (block.timestamp - (60*60*24)) );

// Validate EIP-712 sign-in authentication.
bytes32 authdataDigest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(

address recovered_address = ecrecover(
authdataDigest, uint8(auth.rsv.v), auth.rsv.r, auth.rsv.s);

require( auth.user == recovered_address, "Invalid Sign-In" );


function authenticatedViewCall(
SignIn calldata auth,
... args
external view
returns (bytes memory output)
// Use `auth.user` instead of `msg.sender`!

With the above contract code deployed, let's look at the frontend dApp and how it can request the user to sign-in using EIP-712. You may wish to add additional parameters which are authenticated such as the domain name. The following code example uses Ethers:

const time = new Date().getTime();
const user = await eth.signer.getAddress();

// Ask user to "Sign-In" every 24 hours.
const signature = await eth.signer.signTypedData({
name: "SignInExample.SignIn",
version: "1",
chainId: import.meta.env.CHAINID,
verifyingContract: await contract.getAddress()
}, {
SignIn: [
{ name: 'user', type: "address" },
{ name: 'time', type: 'uint32' },
}, {
time: time
const rsv = ethers.Signature.from(signature);
const auth = {user, time, rsv};
// The `auth` variable can then be cached.

// Then in the future, authenticated view calls can be performed by
// passing auth without further user interaction authenticated data.
await contract.authenticatedViewCall(auth, ...args);