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Eden Upgrade

This document provides an overview of the changes for the Eden Mainnet upgrade.


The Eden upgrade on Mainnet is scheduled at epoch 28017 which will happen on 2023-11-29 at 10:02 AM UTC.

Major Features

All features for the Eden upgrade are implemented as part of Oasis Core 23.0.x release series which is a consensus protocol-breaking release.

Summary of the major features is as follows:

  • On-Chain Governance:

    • The upgrade adds support for delegators to participate in on-chain governance. So far, only validators have been able to vote on governance proposals on upgrades. From now on, anyone who is staking will be able to override the votes of the validator.
    • Prior to this upgrade, validators could vote solely on one specific type of upgrade proposal. This upgrade adds support for voting on parameter changes. An example of such a change includes voting on the staking rewards schedule modifications.
  • Node Operators UX:

    • With the enhancement of the P2P Stack in the latest upgrade, we've integrated support for state sync. This improvement simplifies the process of initiating a new node, enabling immediate synchronization without the need for manual RPC node configuration.
    • The upgrade lays the foundation for the system to distribute bundles automatically. While this update doesn't enable this feature, in the future nodes will have the capability to upgrade automatically to the appropriate version immediately after a governance vote passes.
    • Enhancements have been made to bolster security and optimize the efficiency of specific queries.
  • Key Rotations:

    • The upgrade introduces major updates to facilitate key rotations, both for ephemeral and state keys.
      • Key derivation for ephemeral keys will be modified such that the master ephemeral key will be rotated on every epoch and old entropy will be discarded after a few epochs. As a result, past transaction keys will be irretrievable unless the user keeps additional data to enable disclosure of past transactions.
      • The upgrade introduces support for state key rotations, incorporating key generations. ParaTimes can now rotate state keys daily, and use new keys for newer state. This facilitates re-encryption and, in the event of a TCB recovery, helps to partially mitigate the effects of compromised nodes.
  • ParaTime Confidential Query Latency:

    • The current confidential ParaTimes have a block delay when querying confidential state following transaction execution. This is due to the fact that the ParaTime needs to independently verify finalization in the consensus layer to guard against attacks. The upcoming version introduces same-block execution. As soon as a block gets finalized on the consensus layer, ParaTimes can promptly obtain the latest state root hash and verify the state without delay. This reduces latency for those looking to query outcomes of their transactions, e.g. dApp users and developers.
  • ParaTime Upgrades:

    • The upgrade reduces downtime associated with upgrading confidential ParaTimes. Previously, an upgrade to Sapphire mandated an epoch of downtime. Now, as compute nodes transition to the new version, the upgrade will be instantaneous, ensuring no delays or downtime.
  • ParaTime Performance:

    • The upgrade implements a series of modifications to enhance the robustness of runtimes. These improvements encompass better response mechanisms for SGX TCB recovery events, expanded support for new SGX platforms, and improved proof validation within runtimes.
    • The upgrade improves runtime performance, especially in scenarios involving node failures. Should nodes malfunction, the impact on performance will now be significantly reduced.

Mechanics of the Upgrade



On 2023-11-14, an upgrade proposal was proposed, which was accepted with more than 86% of the total voting power of the validator set. The upgrade is now scheduled for epoch 28017 (2023-11-29, start at 10:02 AM UTC).


The Eden upgrade proposal has the ID number 3.

For optimal voting experience, we recommend using the Oasis CLI. Follow these steps to cast your vote:

  1. Import your keys into the wallet
oasis wallet import-file my_entity entity.pem
  1. Cast your vote:
oasis network governance cast-vote 3 yes

Upgrade Instructions

The following steps should be performed only after the network has reached the upgrade epoch and has halted:

  1. Wait for the network to reach the upgrade epoch and halt. The node will automatically stop without any action required on your part. After the network has halted, proceed to the next steps.

  2. Download the Mainnet genesis file published in the Mainnet 2023-11-29 release.


Mainnet state at epoch 28017 will be exported and migrated to a 23.0.x compatible genesis file.

The new genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the upgrade epoch.

  1. Verify the provided Mainnet upgrade genesis file by comparing it to the local network state dump.

    Find the genesis-oasis-3-at-HEIGHT.json file in the exports subdirectory in your data dir (e.g. /node/, /srv/oasis/node/) and run sha256sum on it. Afterwards, compare it with the hash that we will share on the #node-operators Discord channel.

    The state changes are described in the State Changes section below.

  2. Replace the old genesis file with the new Mainnet genesis file.

  3. Ensure your node will remain stopped by disabling auto-starting via your process manager (e.g., systemd or Supervisor).

  4. Back up the entire data directory of your node. Verify that the backup includes the following folders:

  • for consensus: tendermint/abci-state and tendermint/data
  • for runtimes: runtimes/*/mkvs_storage.badger.db and runtimes/*/worker-local-storage.badger.db
  1. Wipe state. This must be performed before replacing the Oasis Node binary. In case you are upgrading ParaTimes/runtimes ensure you read the following section:

State of ParaTimes/runtimes is not affected by this upgrade and MUST NOT be wiped. Wiping state for confidential ParaTimes will prevent your compute or key manager node from transitioning to the new network.

To safely wipe the blockchain state on a runtime while preserving the runtime state, follow these steps:

  1. Dry run: initiate a dry run to preview which files will be deleted by running the following command:
# specify 'datadir' as your node's data directory
oasis-node unsafe-reset \
--datadir=/node/data \
  1. Wipe blockchain state: after reviewing the dry run results, proceed with the reset by running:
# specify 'datadir' as your node's data directory
oasis-node unsafe-reset \

Transitioning confidential ParaTimes to the new network requires local state that is sealed to the CPU. This also means that bootstrapping a new node on a separate CPU immediately after the network upgrade will not be possible until an updated ParaTime containing new trust roots is released and adopted.

  1. Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 23.0.7.

The Oasis Core 23.0.7 binary in our published releases is built only for Ubuntu 22.04 (GLIBC>=2.32). You'll have to build it yourself if you're using prior Ubuntu versions (or other distributions using older system libraries).

  1. Perform any needed configuration changes described below.

  2. (only Rosetta Gateway operators) Replace old version of Oasis Rosetta Gateway with version 2.6.0.

  3. (only Emerald paratime operators) Upgrade Emerald to version 11.0.0.

  4. Start your node and re-enable auto-starting via your process manager.

Configuration Changes


To see the full extent of the changes examine the Change Log of the 23.0.x release.

The node configuration has been refactored so that everything is now configured via a YAML configuration file and configuring via command-line options is no longer supported.

Some configuration options have changed and so the configuration file needs to be updated. To make this step easier, a command-line tool has been provided that will perform most of the changes automatically. You can run it with:

oasis-node config migrate --in config.yml --out new-config.yml

The migration subcommand logs the various changes it makes and warns you if a config option is no longer supported, etc. At the end, any unknown sections of the input config file are printed to the terminal to give you a chance to review them and make manual changes if required.

Note that the migration subcommand does not preserve comments and order of sections from the input YAML config file. You should always carefully read the output of this command, as well as compare the generated config file with the original before using it.

After you are satisfied with the new configuration file, replace the old file with the new one as follows:

mv new-config.yml config.yml

The configuration format for seed nodes has changed and it now requires the node's P2P public key to be used. In case your old configuration file contains known Mainnet seed nodes, this transformation is performed automatically.

However, if it contains unknown seed nodes then the conversion did not happen automatically and you may need to obtain the seed node's P2P public key. For Mainnet you can use the following addresses:

  • H6u9MtuoWRKn5DKSgarj/dzr2Z9BsjuRHgRAoXITOcU=@
  • H6u9MtuoWRKn5DKSgarj/dzr2Z9BsjuRHgRAoXITOcU=@

Please be aware that every seed node should be configured to listen on two distinct ports. One is dedicated to peer discovery within the CometBFT P2P network, while the other is used to bootstrap the Oasis P2P network.


For those running the Emerald ParaTime, please make sure to upgrade to Emerald version 11.0.0 before or soon after the network upgrade is completed.

Data Directory Changes

The subdirectory (located inside the node's data directory) used to store consensus-related data, previously called tendermint (after the consensus layer protocol backend) has been renamed to consensus in Oasis Core 23.0.x. If any of your scripts rely on specific directory names, please make sure to update them to reflect the changed sdirectory name.

State Changes

The following parts of the genesis document will be updated:


For a more detailed explanation of the parameters below, see the Genesis Document docs.


All state changes will be done automatically with the migration command provided by the new version of oasis-node. It can be used as follows to derive the same genesis file from an existing state dump at the correct height (assuming there is a genesis.json present in the current working directory):

oasis-node genesis migrate --genesis.new_chain_id oasis-4


  • chain_id will be set to oasis-4.

  • halt_epoch will be removed as it is no longer used.


  • registry.runtimes[].txn_scheduler.propose_batch_timeout specifies how long to wait before accepting proposal from the next backup scheduler. It will be set to 5000000000 (5 seconds). Previously the value was represented in the number of consensus layer blocks.

  • registry.params.gas_costs.prove_freshness specifies the cost of the freshness proof transaction. It will be set to 1000.

  • registry.params.gas_costs.update_keymanager specifies the cost of the keymanager policy update transaction. It will be removed as the parameter has been moved under keymanager.params.gas_costs.update_policy.

  • registry.params.tee_features specify various TEE features supported by the consensus layer registry service. These will be set to the following values to activate the new features:

    "tee_features": {
    "sgx": {
    "pcs": true,
    "signed_attestations": true,
    "max_attestation_age": 1200
    "freshness_proofs": true
  • registry.params.max_runtime_deployments specifies the maximum number of runtime deployments that can be specified in the runtime descriptor. It will be set to 5.

Root Hash

  • roothash.params.max_past_roots_stored specifies the maximum number of past runtime state roots that are stored in consensus state for each runtime. It will be set to 1200.


  • staking.params.commission_schedule_rules.min_commission_rate specifies the minimum commission rate. It will be set to 0 to maintain the existing behavior.

  • staking.params.thresholds.node-observer specifies the stake threshold for registering an observer node. It will be set to 100000000000 base units (or 100 tokens), same as for existing compute nodes.

Key Manager

  • keymanager.params.gas_costs specify the cost of key manager transactions. These will be set to the following values:

    "gas_costs": {
    "publish_ephemeral_secret": 1000,
    "publish_master_secret": 1000,
    "update_policy": 1000

Random Beacon

  • beacon.base is the network's starting epoch. It will be set to the epoch of Mainnet's state dump + 1, 28017.


  • governance.params.enable_change_parameters_proposal specifies whether parameter change governance proposals are allowed. It will be set to true.


  • consensus.params.max_block_size specifies the maximum block size in the consensus layer. It will be set to 1048576 (1 MiB).


  • extra_data will be set back to the value in the Mainnet genesis file to include the Oasis Network's genesis quote:

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” [submitted by Oasis Community Member Daniyar Borangaziyev]:

    "extra_data": {
    "quote": "UXVpcyBjdXN0b2RpZXQgaXBzb3MgY3VzdG9kZXM/IFtzdWJtaXR0ZWQgYnkgT2FzaXMgQ29tbXVuaXR5IE1lbWJlciBEYW5peWFyIEJvcmFuZ2F6aXlldl0="