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Copy State from One Node to the Other

A network that's been running for some time can accrue significant amount of state. This means bootstraping a new Oasis node would take quite some time and resources (bandwidth, CPU) since it would need to fetch (download) and validate (replay) all the blocks from the genesis height onwards.

If one has access to an Oasis node that is synced with the latest height, he could just copy Oasis node's state from the synced node to an unsynced node.


Another way to speed up bootstrapping an Oasis node is to sync the node using the State Sync.

To bootstrap a new Oasis node by copying state from a synced Oasis node, first set up your new Oasis node as a Validator Node, a Non-validator Node or a ParaTime Node.


Make sure you use the exact same version of Oasis Core on both the synced Oasis node and your new Oasis node to prevent issues or state corruption if an Oasis node's state is opened with an incompatible version of Oasis Core.

Before starting your new Oasis node, do the following:

  1. Stop the synced Oasis node.


    If an Oasis node is not stopped before its state is copied, its on-disk state might not be consistent and up-to-date. This can lead to state corruption and inability to use the state with your new Oasis node.

  2. Copy the following directories from your synced Oasis node's data directory (e.g. /node/data) to your new Oasis node's data directory:

    • consensus/state
    • consensus/data

    You could also copy the whole consensus directory from your synced Oasis node's working directory. In that case, you must omit the oasis_priv_validator.json file, otherwise starting your new Oasis node with fail with something like:

    {"caller":"node.go:541","err":"cometbft/crypto: public key mismatch, state corruption?: %!w(<nil>)","level":"error","module":"oasis-node","msg":"failed to initialize cometbft service","ts":"2023-11-25T14:13:17.919296668Z"}

    If you are copying data from a node that is running TEE-enabled ParaTimes, you must make sure to remove the runtimes/*/worker-local-storage.badger.db as otherwise the ParaTime binary may fail to start on a different node since it contains data sealed to the source CPU.

  3. Start back the synced Oasis node.

Finally, you can start your new Oasis node for the first time.